• Shilpa Dhir

    "I had the privilege of working with Gitima, and I am compelled to share my exceptional experience. In my quest for personal and professional growth, I found an invaluable guide and mentor in Gitima. From our initial session, Gitima exhibited an unparalleled ability to create a safe and open space for exploration. Her keen sense of empathy and active listening skills allowed me to delve deep into my thoughts, fears, and aspirations. Gitima possesses a rare gift of making you feel truly heard and understood. What sets Gitima apart is their holistic approach to coaching. Rather than offering generic advice, she tailored each session to address my unique challenges and goals. The insights and strategies provided were not only profound but also practical, enabling me to implement positive changes immediately. Gitima skillfully combined proven coaching techniques with a genuine understanding of human psychology, fostering lasting transformation. I was particularly impressed by Gitima's commitment to accountability. She held me to a high standard while offering unwavering support, creating a dynamic partnership that fueled my progress. Through our collaborative efforts, I gained clarity on my values, identified self-limiting beliefs, and developed a concrete action plan to achieve my objectives. Beyond their professional expertise, Gitima exudes a contagious passion for personal development. Her enthusiasm and encouragement inspired me to embrace challenges and view setbacks as opportunities for growth. I truly felt empowered to navigate life's complexities with newfound resilience and optimism. In addition to her coaching prowess, Gitima demonstrated exceptional communication skills. Scheduling sessions was seamless, and she was always punctual and prepared. The overall experience was not just beneficial but also enjoyable, thanks to Gitima's warm personality and genuine dedication to her clients. In conclusion, working with Gitima has been a transformative journey that exceeded my expectations. I wholeheartedly recommend Gitima to anyone seeking a dedicated and insightful life coach who can guide them toward a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Thank you, Gitima, for being an instrumental part of my personal growth journey. "

  • Shoua Lee

    "I am immensely grateful for the invaluable support and guidance I have received from Dr. Sharma throughout my graduate studies and career development. Working with her has been a truly transformative experience, and I wholeheartedly recommend her for anyone seeking coaching. What sets Dr. Sharma apart is her unwavering commitment to her life's purpose, which is evident in every aspect of her approach. This commitment creates a foundation of trust that is crucial when navigating the complexities of graduate studies and career decisions. Knowing that her guidance is rooted in a deep sense of purpose has given me the confidence to explore my own path and connect with my life's purpose. Her ability to see beyond the surface and help me recognize my potential has been a game-changer. Through her guidance, I have gained a clearer understanding of myself, my strengths, and areas for growth, enabling me to make more informed decisions about my academic and professional pursuits. "

  • Jurry Phasouk

    "I had the incredible opportunity to discuss my concerns with Gitima. From the first time we met, I felt a genuine connection and a sense of trust that allowed me to open up about my goals, challenges, and dreams. Gitima has a remarkable ability to listen with empathy, providing insights that not only addressed my immediate concerns but also helped me make concrete exports towards my goals and future aspirations. What sets Gitima apart from previous counselors and coaches I have met, is her strong commitment and care for you and the strategies and tools she uses to help you achieve the positive change you are looking for."

  • Alex Savath

    "My sessions with Gitima have been transformative, incredibly constructive and beneficial to all areas of my life. She helped me navigate through my struggles and personal life goals. I am able to clearly push through my obstacles from her encouragement and coaching. I am very thankful to have been able to connect with Gitima and develop trust, gain deeper insights, and expand my life's possibilities. "

  • Prerna Oberoi

    "Dr. Sharma has been a light during my path, a source of hope, and true inspiration. During my life's most challenging times, she made me feel understood and appreciated for who I am and efforts that I was already making, which gave me the strength to not give up. I was amazed by how much I learned about my own self and what I want out of life within our first session. She supported me to set clear goals and make decisions that truly fulfilled me. She also researched specifically for my concerns and shared many helpful resources that strengthened my mental health and well-being. If you are looking for more clarity and motivation, Gitima is your person! I am forever grateful! "

  • Jeanne Bellinger

    "Dr. Gitima Sharma led a session on mental health and wellness for our school's teachers. She was generous with both her time and expertise. She worked closely with teachers to process different dimensions of their well-being such as social well-being, emotional coping, professional development, and so on. She was passionate and engaging. Teachers specifically appreciated the discussions on work-life balance and how to promote empathy and compassion for self and others - within and beyond school community. She bonded with the teachers immediately because they could sense her genuine care. She will enrich any organization that has the good fortune to hire her. "

  • Shubhi Sachdeva

    "I'm incredibly grateful for the transformative experience I had with Gitima. At a time when I was going through a very challenging phase, struggling to find a job in the midst of the pandemic in 2020, Gitima's guidance and support became a beacon of light. From our very first conversation, Gitima exhibited a deep understanding and empathy for my situation, creating a safe space where I could share my fears and frustrations openly. Despite the setbacks and rejections I faced, she helped me uncover the hidden opportunities and possibilities that I couldn't see on my own. Through her insightful questioning and gentle encouragement, Gitima guided me to explore my passions, talents, and untapped potential. She used her vast experience in counseling to help me cultivate a positive mindset, teaching me to embrace resilience and maintain hope. Gitima empowered me with practical tools and strategies to enhance my self-confidence, develop a strong personal and purpose-driven brand, and make a meaningful impact in the world. Throughout our journey, Gitima's unwavering support, compassion, and expertise to hold space for my challenges while simultaneously helping me transform and fulfill my goals was truly remarkable. She helped me navigate through a difficult phase and come out stronger on the other side. If you are going through a challenging time or feeling lost, I wholeheartedly recommend Gitima as a life coach. Her ability to help you see the larger purpose and guide you towards a fulfilling path is truly exceptional. "